Dennis Culloton, a spokesman for Ricketts, confirmed Wednesday evening that the project could very well bleed into a fifth offseason, one more than the original plan. “That could still be the way it works out,” Culloton said of the original four-phase plan. “But it could take longer. Just take this winter for example, and we have found not only the problem with the weather but the water pipes that we had no control over. It could be four years, it could be five. It’s hard to say.”

The original plan for the construction was four offseason phases to be completed before the 2018 season, according to the Cubs’ Restore Wrigley website. The first phase of construction, which began this offseason, involved structural steel and concrete work, bleacher restoration and new restrooms. The second phase of the renovation features a new home clubhouse, bullpens, and an outdoor plaza.

The third phase, to begin after the 2016 season, includes a new visitors’ clubhouse, new umpires’ room and renovation of luxury suites. The final phase, originally scheduled to be completed in 2018, brings a renovated press box and a new hotel.“A lot of that is subject to how the construction process goes,” Ricketts said. “Once again, with the time horizon we have, making sure we make long-term decisions and not rush the process.”

The first phase of the renovation has been beset by delays that will impact the Cubs’ Opening Day game against the Cardinals on April 5. The Cubs announced in January that the bleachers would not be ready until May. Then, earlier this month, Cubs president of business operations Crane Kenney announced that the right-field bleachers wouldn’t be ready until June because of a cold-weather streak.






I have a question. Who here thought the Wrigley Construction would actually be on schedule and go swimmingly? Because I want to meet that person and pick their brain, see what makes them tick. I know this is a big story, and people from outside of Chicago will laugh and say it’s a clusterfuck, but did anyone actually expect different? It’s the like the perfect storm of ineptitude. You have the Cubs, you have Wrigleyville, you have Chicago Winters, and you throw in some good old fashioned City politics and hey, would you look at that? We’re drastically behind schedule, no fucking way!




You should be dealing with the Wrigley construction the exact same way you deal with flying in the winter. Of course in the back of your head you say, oh man, wouldn’t it be awesome if our plane left on time, that would be great, but in reality you know you’ll be 4 hours delayed and even still might not make it. We’re basically sitting on the runway de-icing the plane for the next 4 years, that’s just the reality. Park going to look like shit opening night? Of course.  Bleachers aren’t ready? Ok, didn’t expect them to be anyway. Construction schedule gets an additional year? HA! Why not add 2! And on and on we go. When it’s done it’s done. What’s the worse that can happen? The Cubs and Chicago politics become the laughing stock of the country. Oh Noooooo, wouldn’t want that, we have such a sterling reputation to maintain, how will we ever recover!




Bust out the shirts boys, we’re back in business. Someday it will be all done and Wrigley will look awesome, until then…