Jesse Eisenberg As Lex Luthor Looks Pretty Damn Freaky


ET  – Details on Zack Snyder’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (due March 25, 2016) have been scarcer than kryptonite. We know that a cameo by Aquaman sets up 2017’s Justice League and that Wonder Woman has a sizable role. And now we have our first glimpse of Jesse Eisenberg as one of comics’ greatest bad guys: Lex Luthor.  “He’s not any of the Lexes that you’ve seen, that’s for sure,” says Snyder, “other than him being a captain of industry and one person to the world and another person to himself. And bald, of course.”

Yo Zuck, get back to The Facebook.  That scary chemo look is psychotic even for the heartless of sociopaths.

IMO Zack Snyder is grossly overrated.  300 was the certified tits.  Watchman was decent it would have been great if they cut it down to an even 4.5 hours.  Other than that?  Man Of Steel, Dawn Of The Dead* and Sucker Punch were all very, very meh.  Hopefully making one of the squirreliest, non-threatening Jews on Earth in Jesse Eisenberg actually look legit as psychopathic Lex Luther is a start of good things to come.

Also, Doug Stamper was the dickbag security guard in Dawn Of The Dead.  The more you know…


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