Taking You Into The Weekend With Jaylen Brown's Incredible Dance Moves

What, you thought I was going to just let this video exist and not blog it? No chance. Not when Jaylen unleashes dance moves like that. In a normal world, this would be everyone after a tough week in the cubes once you finally got your freedom. A few days ago while discussing Jaylen's travel essentials I said he might be the coolest Celtics player ever and certainly of my lifetime. Pretty sure this video confirms it. Hate the player, hate the Celtics, there's no denying he crushed those dance moves. Add it to the list of Jaylen's skills that I'm extremely jealous of. No chance I find the ability to move my body like that while also looking as cool as Jaylen does there. 

As we know, this team is elite when it comes to dancing. Remember the Marcus Smart victory dance video? Of course you do. I miss it dearly just like I'm sure you all do. Let's relive it as a bonus.

Two videos that do nothing but bring a smile to your face. The perfect way to end the week in my opinion. I dunno about you but I find it impossible to watch either of those videos and not instantly feel better. 

But if you still need a little more, here ya go.

Have a great weekend!

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