At First I Loved This Granny For Her Chugging Ability But Now I'm Quite Conflicted


Everyone knows I love grannies of every shape and size. Older the better of course, but I'm not here to discriminate. If you've lived through a war and possibly banged a milk man, you're good in my book. Ever since I wrote the best blog in internet history I've had a passion for the old/older/oldest generation

RIP Misao, woulda been selling lip kits like Kylie if they were around in the 1500s


But today is the first day I've been conflicted. Are the old getting complacent? 


Is nobody going to hold gam gam accountable for not taking a knee? That generation used to give 110%, but now what? Are we just going to let her slide? She fought for the right to vote but doesn't think she needs to give an Ice the respect it deserves. It's a two lane street, well until we take your keys away in a few years.

My official statement: We're going to let it slide, this time. But we hope it doesn't become a recurring issue in the older community. The olds can't spend every waking second complaining about the Millennials being lazy good for nothings and then turn around and do things half ass themselves. This is a wakeup call for us all. Let's be better, all of us. 

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