Over 12,000 German Soccer Fans Bought Cutouts Of Themselves To Fill The Stands With Games Returning This Weekend

When I first saw this I honestly thought I was going to make fun of these people. In my head I already had the blog ready to go. Say these people are wasting money, they are hardos, whatever it might be. But then I took a second (grabbed a drink) and started to rethink this. 

I'm ALL IN on this idea. 

I've said it before but cutouts/mannequins are fucking creepy. Now you get a bunch of average joes on there who aren't great looking and they become even more terrifying. Now fill an entire arena and you really pick up the weirdness. Everyone knows the key is to create that homefield advantage. That's why they need to also let the cutouts be controlled with the at home app with booing and shit: 

Now I'll say this. If you aren't a fan of this club what the hell are you doing buying a cutout of yourself? You gonna watch the game looking for your cutout in the upper deck? Come on. That would be fucking asinine. But if you're a fan of this team and you need to start building the homefield advantage, no brainer. Just pipe in sounds, let booing happen. There better be singing, preferably this (I don't care it's a commercial in England) 

Goddamn I can't wait to watch sports again. 

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