Buzzfeed Is Taunting Us Right Now With Articles Of Nothing, Literally Nothing.

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How many clicks do you think this article of absolutely nothing got? 10 million? 10 billion? Fucking Buzzfeed, they’re literally taunting us now. Posting blank space, telling us to not click on it and watching as the whole world clicks. Throwing dresses in our face and making the world lose their mind. This isn’t even click bait, he fucking told us not to click, and then we did. Probably is going viral at your mom’s office as we speak. Buzzfeed basically put a giant red button on the internet and said DO NOT PRESS, then when the whole word pressed it, it automatically deposited millions of dollars into the Buzzfeed bank account. FUCK. Just going to go sit in the corner and blog something dumb and count my pennies. Hate these fucking guys.



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