Mr. Kraft is Auctioning Off His Super Bowl LI Ring for Charity While Delivering 1.7 Million Meals

If what every ad on TV and radio and all the celebrities are telling us is true, we live in challenging times. And in order to get through these difficult moments, we all have to stay together by staying apart and support those in need. (While also buying their products, goods and services.) They haven't spent two months putting these messages out over sad stringed instrumentals and put on their most serious voiceover voices because they haven't truly been concerned. 

So, when one famous person, equally known as a business mogul and an entertainment icon, does things to help the most needy among us instead of merely saying we should, well that's something we can all rejoice in. 

Mr. Kraft was challenged by Michael Rubin, the founder and CEO of Fanatics to take part in the All In Challenge to benefit front line workers in the pandemic.

"What could I do that would be special? I've been thinking about it for weeks," he says in the video. "I finally thought about our Super Bowl experience in Super Bowl LI against the Atlanta Falcons, in Houston. When, with 2 1/2 minutes to go in the 3rd period, we were down 28-3, and had a .04% chance [Note: it was 0.4%] of winning, and had 99.6% chance to lose. And we came back, and we won. 

"And I thought about what is going on at this time and wanted to give something of extreme value in support of our health care workers. So I thought it would be good to give this ring, our fifth Super Bowl win, this little trophy here, because it showed how we came back.

"We're the greatest country in the world, with the greatest people, who feel a sense of team and work together in the toughest times. So I want to give this ring to someone who will be worthy enough to bid it up, so we can get meals to all these people who are hurting badly at this time."

So the man who's done something no other single NFL owner has ever done by winning six rings, something it took generations of Rooneys to do in Pittsburgh. He then did something no other owner has ever done by having one of his rings stolen by Vladimir Putin. Now he's completing the Super Bowl Ring Collector Triple Crown by auctioning another one off. And not just anyone. This one. 

The one with the 283 diamonds that had Arthur Blank crying the buckets when he heard about it. 

And like the ads used to say before they were all somber and self-serious, But wait! There's more! The winner of the auction will get the VIP treatment. You'll get to watch a game from the owner's box, get a private tour of the facility, and be wined and dined. And if the winner lives too far away to drive to Foxboro, they get picked up in  a private jet. I live a half hour away from Gillette but would gladly relocate just to get the ride on AirKraft One, my mortgage and my carbon footprint be damned. 

But my man RKK's generosity didn't start with delivering 1.7 million masks to Massachusetts and New York or end with sacrificing his prized ring for the greater good. There is also this:

So while others are talking the talk, RKK is walking the walk of a philanthropic giant. He doth bestride the narrow Earth of charitable endeavors like a colossus. Meanwhile, other billionaire team owners are holed up in their mansions, laying off their staff and demanding their domestic help keep providing them with the unicorn blood they need to sustain them while paying sub-minimum wage. And this great man - and close, personal friend of mine - keeps doing more good in this crisis than some local, state and federal government agencies have done. 

Assuming Dave doesn't get into the bidding, I'll consider going all in myself. My family doesn't really need a house to live in and my kids can always go to community college. It'll be worth it to get to hang out with my man again. 

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