Guy Plays Every Blink 182 Song Ever On The Drums


I’m not shy about my affinity for Blink 182. Enema of the State came out when I was 11 and like most people between the ages of 24 and 30 ,it was pretty much a life changing CD. Cause until that point you’re kinda just whatever about music then you hear something and you’re like woah, I really like this. Then later the Mark Tom and Travis Show came out and that was it for me. Those two CDs are two important reasons why I’m a smut blogger now. So yea, this blog isn’t as much as that guy playing every song on the drums which I didn’t really watch most of as it is me saying Blink is one of the best bands of our generation. Should I rank their CDs? Ok, I will.


7. Cheshire Cat – Not sure anyone would argue that.
6. Dude Ranch – Maybe could be better than Neighborhoods, but I’m not sure. Neighborhoods really grew on me, and some Dude Ranch songs are pretty bad.
5. Neighborhoods – Good but not great.
4. Take Off Your Pants and Jacket – Pretty poppy for the most part, but the bangers on it more than make up for it. Plus, top 10 GOAT CD titles.
3. Mark, Tom, and Travis Show – Do live CDs even count? That’s why I’m putting it 3rd. It’s really good regardless.
2. Blink-182. It’s probably their best CD hands down. Every song is good and it never gets old.
1. Enema of the State – It’s so hard not to list it at #1 just because of what it is.


There’s bands like Blink, RHCP, Foo Fighters, and others that are ageless. Listened to them growing up and still listen to them now. Music is cool.

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