In Honor Of The King Of Long Island's 71st Birthday Today, What's Your Favorite Billy Joel Song?

First and Foremost, Happy 71st to the greatest American to ever live. 

Sure... you could argue someone like Teddy Roosevelt is the greatest American to ever live, but did Teddy Roosevelt write 8 #1 hits? No, no he did not. And you know who did? One William Joel sure did. So therefore the title belongs to him. 

And in honor of this man's 71st Birthday I feel like it's only right if we all had a discussion on what's his best song? Cause there's an endless amount. There actually may be too many hits for his own good. 

We'll begin with the obvious. I love Carl & I love Scenes From An Italian Restaurant. If I was ever stranded on an Island with only 1 song on an mp3 player Scenes From An Italian Restaurant would be my choice no doubt about it. 3 songs for the price of 1. Great Deal. But I almost feel as if it's so good that it along with Piano Man shouldn't be allowed in this conversation?

Captain Jack? Idk. That's 7 minutes of sadness right there as you look out the window pondering at life.

Let me tell ya…I am SHOCKED at the demand for Vienna. I got A LOT of Vienna tweets. I personally am not a slower song guy, I love the upbeat jams! But if you are gonna go for a slow one, I guess it is hard to top Vienna on that forefront.

I gotta agree with Aaron below. WHERE THE HELL is the You May Be Right's? Absolute BANGER.

And now I'm crying thinking about You May Be Right at Boardy Barn. Actual tears.

The King of Impressions is going with Movin' Out? I do not hate that in the slightest. For sure a Top 10 Banger on one William Joel's endless list of bangers.

Miami 2017 is a worthy competitor as well. Especially in this time as the lights are all but out on Broadway. Not to mention this is probably the best concert opening song there is. Gets the crowd GOING.

And finally we have one of the best editors at the Stool going with an extremely underrated hit. Personally in my top 5…Still Rock N' Roll To Me. I told ya! I go upbeat!

At the end of the day of course it's to each their own when it comes to someone with as many hits as this. He sure ain't no Vanilla Ice. My definitive Top 10 ranking (Piano Man & Scenes excluded) goes

  1. Only The Good Die Young
  2. You May Be Right
  3. Still Rock N' Roll To Me
  4. Big Shot
  5. Movin' Out
  6. Christie Lee (Dark horse city population me)
  7. My Life
  8. We Didn't Start The Fire
  9. Allentown
  10. Vienna

Thank you for your time everyone. Enjoy this splendid Saturday in Quarantine & listen to some goddamn Billy Joel. Good vibes only. Happy Birthday William.

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