Friday Favorites! Vol 2

We made it through another week. Look at us! Let's take a look at some of my favorite tweets from the week (5/1-5/8):

  • Five years old today!
  • Sad but true:
  • The Costco Social Media Intern was fed the fuck up:
  • Facts of life:
  • I get 19 e-mails a day from companies wanting to sell me tires for me to drive absolutely nowhere:
  • As if your problems as a 19th-century mouse weren't enough already:
  • Love history being made despite trash circumstances. Shout out to Aja Smith:
  • Yall remember this? Bars? Public settings? Friends?
  • Tough scene out here:
  • Bruv got bars, innit?

That'll do it for this Friday. Do one thing this weekend that you know you'll enjoy. Stay safe.

Happy Mothers Day!

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