The Trailer For Pete Davidson's New Movie Is Here. This Was My Audition Video That Did Not Get Me Cast

The official trailer for Pete Davidson's biopic "The King Of Staten Island" has arrived. With movie theaters obviously shutdown, it will instead be available on demand starting June 12th. 

Pete Davidson gets a lot of undeserved heat in my opinion. He's not the funniest guy in the world, but I think people who just write him off as being an unfunny asshole are in the wrong. Even if you don't love his standup or SNL performances, you still have to admit that he has some sort of "it" factor that has led to all the success he's had at just 26. Between the famous girlfriends and all the controversy, he is a weird sort of comedy rock star that you can't take your eyes off. Even if he has butthole eyes

I actually liked his new standup special on Netflix. It wasn't the most clever or witty humor out there. It was more of him just talking about real stuff in a funny way for an hour, but I enjoyed it. If you want to come around to liking him, I suggest watching his interview with Charlamagne Tha God or him on Hot Ones. He's definitely a pretty troubled dude, but I don't think he's this douchey asshole everyone makes him out to be. 

If you haven't seen it, I recommend his other movie "Big Time Adolescence" on Hulu. He basically plays a not famous version of himself being a bad influence on a high school kid. It certainly won't be your favorite movie of all time, but it was an easy watch and a good way to spend 90 minutes if you're bored. I expect "The King Of Staten Island" will be pretty good too. Even if you don't love Pete Davidson, you have to trust Judd Apatow to put out something good given his track record. 

Now I admittedly might be biased towards PD (that's what I like to call him) given that we are close personal friends after he portrayed me on SNL. 

That bring me to the second part of this blog. I was almost in this new Pete Davidson movie. I might be liberally using the word "almost" but here's the story. 

Last May, an actor Stoolie DMed me a listing he saw for the movie. It was a character named Randall who Pete would meet at his sister's college. The one caveat was the character "MUST BE AN EXPERT AT VAPE TRICKS." That proved to be a liiitle bit of a problem. 

I emailed the casting agent and explained the situation. It was a perfect fit. A guy Pete Davidson parodied as the "Vape God" on SNL does vape tricks in Pete Davidson's movie. Plus the Barstool push. Sure, I wasn't an actual vape expert but this is a better storyline! I basically was telling Judd Apatow how to do his movie. 

Here is the video I sent in, almost exactly a year ago. Took me like two hours sitting in my childhood bedroom. Honestly the Os in the beginning were pretty good.

Unsurprisingly, those tricks were not "expert" enough to get me cast in the movie, as she said the role went to someone the team already knew. Sad. I guess I'll see it anyway. 

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