Dr Fauci Was The Main Love Interest in a 1991 Best Selling Romance Novel

In 1991 Sally Quinn the author of several erotic novels wrote 'Happy Endings' and the main love interest in the book was 100% modeled after none other than America's doctor, Dr. Anthony Fauci. Quinn talked about the inspiration of making Fauci into a Fabio type character and the Washingtonian captured some of her quotes.

It was around this time that Quinn first encountered the real-life Fauci, at a Washington function where the two were paired as dinner partners. 

“I just fell in love with him,” Quinn told me recently, recalling their evening together. “Usually those dinners, you make polite conversation, and that’s it. But we had this intense conversation, personal conversation. I though, ‘Wow, this guy is amazing.'”

“He just exuded charisma,” she added. “All the things that she would have fallen in love with.”

Sounds like Quinn was having a tough time not jumping over or under the table to get at Fauci at that dinner in Washington. Who knew the doc had so much game. 

You can still buy her novel if you hurry as there is only one copy left for the low low cost of $989.00 here. The cover could use some work so just print this one out and glue it on top if you are willing to drop a grand to read about Fauci grinding on a recently widowed First Lady.

Fauci has become a bit of a cultural phenomenon. Sometimes it's the soft spoken ones you have to watch out for. PMT should definitely have him back on to ask about his romance novel and figure out when the fuck we are going to be done with this pandemic.


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