Aaron Rodgers Finally Broke His Social Media Silence Since The NFL Draft And I'm Sure Everyone Will Handle This With Zero Overreaction

Two Instagram posts and a Twitter like...oh my! That'll be plenty enough for ESPN to fill all of their daily programming for today and probably the upcoming weekend. I wouldn't be surprised if we have an hour long special tonight of NFL Live where we get Greg Jennings and whoever else hates Rodgers to come chat and invent narratives. Unfortunately this is the present we're living in because the Packers traded up to take a quarterback in the first round of their draft instead of improving the current Super Bowl contending team. Now we have to psycho-analyze any little thing that happens surrounding 12. It's just not fun and this is only the beginning. 

Whatever Rodgers posted next was going to get picked apart. His first flare gun into the sky to show that he's still alive? An Instagram post in the mountains #chillvibes #highzobes. I'm sure we'll get the 90 year old Pats guy accusing Rodgers of being a drug addict in a blog later today. Can't wait!

Following that post was a little Kentucky Derby tbt. Uh oh, he didn't tag any of the guys! Bad friend alert! ToM bRaDy WoUlD nEvEr!!!

I will say going with two (2) Insta posts in one night is usually a true warning sign. That's something senior year of college Hubbs does when his girlfriend breaks up with him out of nowhere. Danica has to snatch the phone away from him there. 

Now something of actual substance was Rodgers liking this tweet of former teammate Brady Poppinga's which called out ESPN Packer beat writer Rob Demovsky for his segment on Get Up. 

Few things going on here. Rodgers hasn't publicly come out and said anything to this point so there's going to be obvious frustration when people are out there putting words in his mouth. I think he's honestly trying his best to be as calm, cool, and collected as possible with this shitty situation. Credit to him because I wouldn't have the same restraint.

I mean one day you think you're going to retire with the team you've known your whole career and the next you find out you have two years (or less) before they move on from you. That sucks. You're not a human being if that turn of events doesn't bother you. That being said Rodgers is a smart dude who knows how publicly awkward and ugly it got between him and Favre years ago. He doesn't want to repeat that. No one does. Sure he's the most vengeful, grudge-holding guy in the world next to Dave Portnoy, but there's no way he wants his career to end that way. God forbid he tries to handle this situation the right way outside of the public eye. That's probably why he liked the tweet. Do I think anything Demovsky said was out of line? Not at all, but I also see Rodgers' frustration. That's just the reality we're living in now after that draft. 

I will say Demovsky's response after finding out Rodgers liked Poppinga's tweet was so fucking confusing. I've read it 100 times and my head still hurts. We get it man, you still want to remain on Rodgers' good side and you're just trying to do your job. I can't imagine the sweat that was pouring down from his face the moment he liked that tweet.

P.S. If you're one of those people who keep saying "nobody knows if this is good or bad [for the Packers] and we should all just wait 5 years to get angry" then I do not understand you as a person. I hate everything about that logic. So if your wife decides to divorce you then you shouldn't be mad in the present because what if you meet the woman of your dreams in 5 years? That's not how life works. We react to the present and speculate. That's what watching and talking sports is all about. And losing money gambling on it. 

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