There Is A New App Update Available on ITunes Right Now



Click For New Update

So it’s been a fun week and a half since Barstool 3.0 launched.   People just ripping us a new asshole for trying to make the site better, faster, stronger.  My blood pressure is constantly on a hundred trillion million.  I’ve literally had nightmares about it.  Tech monsters chasing me down the street and shit. And yes we had lots of bugs no doubt.  To say it wasn’t the smoothest launch in the history of launches would be an understatement.  But honestly what did people expect from us?  We’re a Pirate Ship not IBM.   Anyway the DevNest has been working around the clock to fix shit despite the constant death threats from readers and myself.    The new App update is finally available in the app store and it should solve a bunch of the issues.   We are aware that commenter names don’t show up for everybody on the app.  That is a problem that is outside our hands and will be fixed soon by a 3rd party company that does all that shit.   Other than than I think we got most of the major problems solved.

However if you do still see things that need fixing email    And just saying we suck and you quit reading and die doesn’t help us.  We want to make the app as user friendly as possible, but we need real information to figure out any glitches.

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