Crush Davis With The Pinch Hit Walk-Off Home Run/Bowling Ball Celly To Topple The White Sox


O’s almost let another close ballgame slip away from them tonight. When you rap out 11 hits against one of the best young starters in the game and only come away with 2 runs, you start to think that maybe it just isn’t in the cards. Enter Crush Davis off the bench, 2 runners on, and a cement mixer over the middle of plate from Ronald Belisario and next thing you know it’s walk-off time in Birdland. O’s are starting to roll at the right time, and they face a soft schedule over the next week. Might as well book them for first in the East at the All-Star break. Down goes Tanaka! Down goes Sale! Who’s next?!



PS: Batting helmet bowling is one of the better walk-off celly’s you’ll see this year…


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