(WARNING: DON'T READ THIS BLOG IF YOU HAVE A WEAK STOMACH) - Alex Smith's Leg Injury Was Wayyyyyy Worse Than You Ever Thought

Remember this? Week 11 of 2018 when Alex Smith broke his leg... 

At the time the R-words were 6-3 and marching. Alex Smith looked expensive but still worth the $94M extension. Blah blah blah and then his leg literally snapped in half. He'd need 17 surgeries over the next month of hospitalization, then another 8 months in some kind of metal external wrap. And that was just to KEEP his leg. If you remember the videos from a few months ago - the sports world was going wild for the dude as his comeback was coming more realistic. Now - he's got the E60 coming out to go behind the scenes of the journey and naturally it looks amazing

Which brings us to the following disgusting, awful, terrible, no good, very bad picture of what his leg looked like directly after being snapped in half by JJ Watt. Stop reading if you have a weak stomach.












Seriously it's disgusting










Don't do it. 









I warned you







 Last warning









What the fuck is going on in that picture. Looks like a turkey leg got a little crispy so we're offsetting the burn with extra barbecue sauce. Really it looks like anything but a human leg belonging to a world class athlete in peak physical condition. I think we can all agree on that just as much as I think we can agree that Alex Smith coming back in 2020 would be a lock for Comeback Player Of The Year. Honestly just being alive and in uniform would be worthy of the achievement but from the sounds of it he might be able to actually function. 

Insane to think about when you consider his leg went through a goddamn bear trap, but maybe that's just the pussy baseball guy in me, afraid of a little blood on the gridiron. Either way that picture is absolutely fucking disgusting and now you know how bad he had it: significantly worse than the worst injury we've ever seen. 

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