Michael Jordan Remembered Diana Taurasi Missing One Free Throw as a High Schooler Over a Year Later

Michael Jordan is an elephant when it comes to anything pertaining to basketball, which is to say he never forgets.

Diana Taurasi told the story of when she was a teenager attending a Jordan basketball camp and made several shots all leading up to a free throw for a free pair of Jordans — and she missed. And then, still halfway thinking he might give her the shoes anyway, Jordan told her, "Nice try. Next."

I absolutely love that response from Jordan. It's exactly what I want him to have said — obviously as someone who didn't have a free pair of shoes on the line. But it would have ruined MJ for me a little bit if Taurasi said she got back to her hotel room and there was a pair of shoes there or something.

And then, a year later, Taurasi returned to the camp as a counselor after a year at UConn and Jordan remembered her missing the one free throw as a high schooler. "How are you free throws doing?"

That's Michael Jordan. He probably remembers every playoff free throw he missed in his career, but he also remembers the shots other people missed with things on the line, too.

I love what a savant of the game Jordan is. You think LeBron cares that much about basketball? Not a chance. He just wants to sip vino and scream about Taco Tuesday out in Tinseltown. Our GOATs are not the same.

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