Florida Inmates Smuggled a Gun Into Prison So They Could Shoot Themselves And Then Sue The Jail To Get Shorter Sentences


Florida – Three Florida prison inmates and four others are charged with smuggling a gun into a prison so two of them could shoot themselves and then sue the Corrections Department for reduced sentences. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement reported Tuesday that Columbia Correctional Institution inmates Kirk Cartwright and Deshandre Billups were shot and wounded on March 22. The pair claimed they were praying in their cell when they were shot by an unknown person, the department said in a news release. Investigators later found they managed with the help of relatives, friends and a third inmate to get a .25-caliber handgun into the prison through the mail, with plans to shoot themselves and file lawsuits. The law enforcement department said the two regularly smuggled cellphones and drugs into the prison, which is located in Lake City. Department spokeswoman Gretl Plessinger said the investigation is ongoing. The nature of the two inmates’ injuries and details about the shootings were not released. “We are anticipating additional arrests and charges so we can’t provide more information now,” she said in an email. A Corrections Department spokeswoman did not immediately respond to an email request for comment. Cartwright and Billups are facing five new felony charges, including possession of a firearm in a correctional facility and 10 counts of possession of contraband for the cellphones. Cartwright is already serving a life sentence for murder and Billups 20 years for armed robbery and armed burglary.

So are we just ignoring that these guys successfully smuggled a gun into a prison? Why was that glanced over like it was no big deal? Cause I feel that’s sort of a huge deal, no? I get that there are all sorts of prison politics and the like, but getting a gun through seems a little different than getting a cell phone through, but then again, maybe it’s not. It’s all in the game I suppose.

But ok, fine, they got the gun through, that’s pretty sweet. But to then use the gun to shoot themselves, that’s fucking brilliant. When you’re serving a life sentence, you have nothing to lose. So you do the only rational thing and Plaxico yourself, blame someone else for it, and get yourself a get out of jail free card. I see absolutely no way that plan could have gone bad. It’s outrageous to me that they got caught. Probably more outrageous their master plan didn’t work than that they got the gun through to begin with.

On the other hand, obviously once they had a gun in prison, they could have run that place like fucking dictators. It should have been their rules, running that place with an iron fist. I’m in awe that they fucked up having a gun so badly. The guy was already serving a life sentence, so instead of shooting himself, he could have been living the prison life of luxary if he played his cards right. But instead, he shot himself. Oh well.

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