You Won't Believe What Was Inside the Florida Home With the 'Come Back With a Warrant' Doormat

AP — A welcome mat at the front door of a Florida home read “come back with a warrant” — and that's just what deputies did before finding drugs and drug paraphernalia inside.

The Daytona Beach News-Journal reports the home in Palm Coast was part of an investigation into illegal drugs. After seeing the doormat, authorities say the Flagler County Sheriff's Office got the warrant. Deputies found fentanyl and drug paraphernalia inside during a search late last week.

These are my favorite stories. You would think someone with fentanyl and various other drug paraphernalia in his or her home would be a discreet, cautious person who is sure to keep their illicit activities close to the vest as to not, you know, go to prison.

Well you would be wrong, at least as it pertains to this Florida homeowner. They thought the best plan of action would be the old-fashioned hide-in-plain-sight approach with the "come back with a warrant" doormat — I'm guessing, given the amount I know of this person's intellect, they didn't know how easy that would be to obtain.

And it — shockingly — backfired. I guess I should be glad there are people out there making the jobs of our law enforcement officers easier, but y'all ... let's use some common sense here. Maybe they wanted to be caught. That's the only logical explanation, but then again, I'm not a drug-slinging Floridian.

No arrests were made at the time, pending further investigation, but I'd imagine whatever happens in this case will be enough to prevent the use of such novelty doormats going forward.

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