Buzzfeed's "12 Disney Princesses As Bowls Of Luke Warm Water" Is The Cockiest Post In Internet History

Etcetera. Etcetera. Etfuckingcetera. You get the point. Disney Princesses as bowls of fucking water. Now of course my gut reaction is like “Fuck this! Fuck Buzzfeed! They’re everything thats wrong with the internet!” And yes, I hate the fact that I churn out blogs all day long and like 4 different podcasts every week trying to entertain and these guys post a picture of a bowl of water and a dress and get a billion times the pageviews I’d ever get. But I gotta be honest, its cocky as fuck. Buzzfeed is literally putting out whatever they want at this point. Its almost like they’re doing it on purpose. Straight up trolling to see how much they can get away with. Mocking their audience like “can you believe these motherfuckers are gonna click this shit! Idiots!” Its cocky and its dominant. I’m jealous, no doubt. But I cant hate on it. They run the internet and a post this stupid is them taking their big, viral, clickbait dick and slapping us in the face with it.

Does the content suck? Absolutely. But have they figured out the game and now are cashing in? Yup. And I wanna see how far they take it. I’ll be honest I’m not even creative enough to come up with something more boring and stupid than Disney characters turned into bowls, but I hope Buzzfeed does it. I hope they push the internet as far as they possibly can with dumb ass shit. And people like us will complain about it and the other 5 billion people on the internet will click it and they’ll cash in. Dont hate the player, or the bowls of water, hate the game.

Here are the other 9 if youre interested!

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