New Day, New MLB News Dump: Baseball Possibly Coming Back To Multiple States, Not Just Arizona

I can't take this shit no more!!!! 

And by "this shit" I mean the complete and total uncertainty of when we're getting get baseball back. This is clip is so goddamn annoying, but also worth sharing because the GOAT is speaking.  Like Rosenthal says, nobody knows what's going to happen, but it's also important to note that he used the word "momentum" is used when hypothesizing on how/when baseball is going to return, and momentum as in "we're trying to get playing asap". Obviously that's contingent on many factors, but assuming MLB is in close contact with public health officials, I think it's a safe assumption that there's "momentum" in detailing a more concrete plan because they know playing will actually be doable in one fashion or another in due time. 

Ken Rosenthal is the creme de la creme when it comes to insider info with respect to baseball, obviously, so if he thinks there's going to be baseball then...

I don't care where it is. In a bio-dome in AZ, games in multiple states like AZ, TX, FL and others, or whatever the fuck else. We need baseball back. Hopefully we just have to tough out the month of may before some sense of normalcy returns, quarantine rules are loosened, people return to work and sports are at least back on our TVs. 

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