This Poor Kid Almost Got His Head Kicked Off His Shoulders For The Sake Of A Tik Tok

Oh, for fuck's sake! C'mon man! You gonna kick your son's head off for a Tik Tok bro?! CTE City for the Tok?! You know you just gotta dance, right?! Do a little wiggledickin?

You know this ain't the first time he's made this kid play magician's assistant, either...

That's the look of a kid INCREDIBLY sick of ol' Bruce Lee's shit - and for good reason. He wasn't even close to hitting the...brick(?)...he meant to kick. NOT EVEN CLOSE! 

My man then got his vertebrae rearranged...

Yikes. "Epic Fail" as they would say in 2006. 

Maybe next time you don't trust a guy until he proves his accuracy...

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