I'd Like To Welcome Everybody To the "Waco" Bandwagon

I think I was one of about 78 people who watched "Waco" when it debuted two years ago on the Paramount Network. The channel formerly known as Spike was getting a much-needed makeover and an overall upgrade featuring huge names in top-quality features. And "Waco" was going to be its first big eye-catcher just as the name changed.

Unfortunately, not everybody got the rebranding memo about the "Bar Rescue" channel so they missed the huge effort to make a statement that the Paramount Network would be providing high-end work. It's a shame, too, because as I wrote two years ago, "Waco" is excellent. This was Emmy-worthy stuff (three noms) that very few saw because it was on a newly-named old channel in a sea of streaming options.

So I'm glad to see it finally hit Netflix because it deserves way more love. Taylor Kitsch has never been better. Michael Shannon always brings it. John Leguizamo goes against type (you don't want to punch his character in the face). 

Oh, and it's a true story about some major fuck-ups.


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