Howard Stern Said "It's so foolish, it's obviously an offensive name" About the Redskins Name


Fox Sports – Since the U.S. Patent Office canceled the Redskins’ trademark Wednesday, everyone has been offering an opinion on the controversial name. This was true even for SiriusXM radio host Howard Stern, who knows plenty about controversy, being offensive and fighting. Stern briefly talked about Wednesday’s news and took Washington owner Daniel Snyder to task for his refusal to change the name. Keep in mind Stern is not a sports fan and didn’t know who Daniel Snyder was, but he still managed to sum up the situation. “It’s so foolish, it’s obviously an offensive name,” Stern said. You can listen to Stern’s rant below. But keep in mind, the clip features NSFW language.

Big Redskins offseason news! As we know this morning, the US Patent Office canceled the Redskins. So then Howard Stern chimed in on it. I guess I was kinda surprised to see him call it offensive, as he’s the king of telling people that thing’s aren’t offensive. He made an entire career and close to a billion dollars off that premise. So for him to call the Redskins name’s just interesting I guess.

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