Terrible News, That Pussy Got Corona Virus!!!

Barstool's hackily stereotypical 'crazy cat lady' here with some terrible news. A video from my PornHub Coronavirus blog finally came true in real life. That pussy do indeed got corona virus!!!

BUT if you're a cat owner or cat adjacent please DON'T PANIC! Though they can get it from you, you cannot get it from them, and so far it sounds like the cats who've had it have recovered:

The finding, which comes after positive tests in seven tigers and lions at the Bronx Zoo, adds to a small number of confirmed cases of the virus in animals worldwide. U.S. authorities say that while it appears some animals can get the virus from people, there's no indication the animals are transmitting it to human beings

"We don't want people to panic. We don't want people to be afraid of pets" or to rush to test them en masse, said Dr. Casey Barton Behravesh, a CDC official who works on human-animal health connections. "There's no evidence that pets are playing a role in spreading this disease to people."

A legitimate concern I have is that this will lead to people getting rid of them in a panic, or will stop people from adopting & fostering them at a time when shelters are already struggling. Make fun of me all you want & throw the tired 'cats suck' stuff out there but they still deserve love & to be treated humanely. I don't know what I'd do during this isolation time without my BFF.

Plenty more out there that could use a home!! Don't be a pussy, adopt one!

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