Here's Billy Corgan Of The Smashing Pumpkins Telling Crazy Dennis Rodman Stories To Help Cure Your 'Last Dance' Withdrawals

If you're going through 'Last Dance' withdrawals like the rest of the world, here's a phenomenal 8-minute video to help get you by for a bit, where Billy Corgan of The Smashing Pumpkins tells some of his craziest Dennis Rodman stories on Joe Rogan. 

Back in the 90s, Corgan spent a lot of time around the Bulls because of the Chicago connection - considering The Smashing Pumpkins were one of the biggest bands in the world and the Bulls were some of the biggest stars in the world, it sorta makes sense - but rock n' roll and basketball doesn't seem like a relationship built for longevity. I don't think many would be able to do the overnights Rodzilla put up with back then, or even survive them. Enjoy!

Here's the complete episode for those interested...

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