Weekend Wake Up: 5 Minutes Of Kids Not Being Able To Put Together The Shrine Of The Silver Monkey

When thinking of the hardest things to do in sports, a few popped up instantly. Hit a baseball, quadruple double in basketball, running a marathon, and putting together the Shrine Of The Silver Monkey in Legends Of The Hidden Temple. Why was this the most impossible thing in Nickelodeon history? Success rate for putting together this thing had to be what, 10%? Less? Either they didn't get all the pieces in time, got grabbed by the temple guards, screwed the head on the wrong way, maybe even put the head on first! These kids brains just froze when they saw the silver ape. Complete mush rolling around in their skulls. This wasn't even the hardest part! The monkey was by far the easiest room to complete. I don't get it and I never will. I'd love a tell all book explaining what they did to make it seem like putting the silver money together was impossible. Blue Barracudas till I die, by the way.  

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