Ren From Even Stevens Lost A 50 Shades Of Grey Bet And Had To Stand Outside In Lingerie


Blah blah blah I made a bet with my husband blah blah blah something about consent blah blah blah it’s really cold out side.  Look at the body on Ren Stevens!  Mercy!  She must work out.  I’m calling bullshit on the whole Fifty Shades of Grey bet by the way.  She just wanted to show off her slamming body to YouTube and that’s totally fine.  Ya know, maybe get her name back out there because she’s for sure still know as “the girl from Even Stevens.”  Hard to shake an iconic role like that.  I’m not complaining.  There was no doubt that movie was gonna win the weekend again though.  Zero doubt.  It’s like when Todd Gack loses a fake bet to Elaine so they’ll go to dinner.  It’s a loophole.  Ren Stevens purpoelsly lost the bet so we could all see her stand outside in super cold weather wearing nothing but lingerie.  God bless her.  FYI Even Stevens is one of the best shows of all time and I won’t believe any opinion to the contrary.


PS- NSFW pictures of Christy Carlson Romano in I believe Mirrors 2?  Here and here and here.



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