Transportation Workers Had Some Good Ol' Fashioned Harmless Fun Teabagging Each Other As A Hazing Ritual

Times Union – A former mechanic for the Capital District Transportation Authority filed a federal lawsuit Thursday alleging his co-workers held him down and pressed their genitals into his head two years ago as part of a bizarre hazing ritual that took place on his last day at work for the authority.

The lawsuit — which names CDTA and six employees as defendants, including CEO Carm Basile — seeks unspecified damages and claims the November 2013 incident caused the mechanic to suffer “severe anxiety and depression” and “seek psychological counseling” as a result of what happened. In addition to civil rights violations, the claim states that the incident was an assault under state law.

The federal lawsuit includes a photograph of the incident depicting the former mechanic, Kevin Hoit, pinned face-down on the ground while two men, including one wearing a CDTA uniform, are straddled over him. One of the men has his pants pulled down and is kneeling over Hoit’s head. The photograph shows a CDTA bus in the background and another person in a blue CDTA shirt taking photos.

“This had a significant impact on my client. He was really upset about it and had to seek psychological treatment as a result of it,” said Hoit’s attorney, Elmer R. Keach III. “It went on for a significant amount of time … and was clearly an act of sexual degradation.”


Now look, I hate getting balls thrown in or tenderly draped on my face as much as anyone. No place for that in a workplace, school, or family reunion. But sexual degradation? Come on man. You know that’s not the case. Especially if it “went on for a significant amount of time.” Teabag me once, shame on you. Teabag me twice, shame on me. At some point you’ve got to wake up and smell the scrotal skin and start defending yourself. Yeah these guys seem burly and awfully rapey but after this happens once you gotta go on the defense. Hit the gym, squeeze a nut like a grape, bite one off if you have to…but if you keep getting tea bagged yeah it’s weird as hell and shouldn’t be a thing but that’s 100% on you.


Also how clean were the balls? Are we talking five days no shower and heavy onion flavors or freshly shorn and washed with the delightful scent of Gold Bond? Doesn’t make it better but it definitely would affect Judge Spags’ ruling for damages.


(h/t @MickGruffster)

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