How Big Of A Loser Do You Have To Be To Show Up At Truck Day And Sing Sweet Caroline?





I’ve got nothing against Truck Day. It’s like a teaser trailer for baseball season. A quick little snippit that says “Hey, don’t forget about us. We’re coming.” When you’re up to your eyes in snow it’s a welcomed reminder that there are greener pastures ahead. But what kind of fucking dork shows up to sing Sweet Caroline outside Fenway? It’s not even the fact that it’s Sweet Caroline (I think singing the song is corny but it’s well documented that I think the tough guys who scream “FUCKIN PINK HATS!” every time it comes on are losers just like the people who belt it out like it’s karaoke night are), it’s just the fact that there aren’t even players there. Seeing the team off is weird, but it’s acceptable. These people are serenading baseballs, batting cages and Red Man, wishing them safe travels. Inanimate fucking objects and truck drivers, that’s who we’re trudging down to Yawkey to see. Absolutely insane. I guess I commend your fanhood but at the same time you’re an asshole.

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