DePaul Is In BIG Trouble. Athletic Department Accused Of Covering Up An "Absusive Cult" Softball Program

(TMZ)--Conviser -- a noted sports psychologist who worked with DePaul from 2005-2018 -- says in meetings with student-athlete patients in 2016 ... they told her Lenti exhibited abusive behavior often.

In the docs, Conviser says players told her the coach often called them "f**king whores" and "regularly punched them about their bodies," among other things.

Conviser says when she brought this to the attention of school officials ... they failed to properly investigate -- and says it's all because Lenti's sister, Jean Lenti Ponsetto, was the program's athletic director.

Conviser says in 2018, a similar incident happened ... when a patient told her Lenti, during a dispute, "had punched in the face his female Associate Head Coach."

Yet Conviser says when she brought this up to the school once again ... she claims officials not only didn't look into the allegations -- they attempted to cover them up.

In the docs, Conviser alleges the school allowed Lenti to "slip out the back door" and quietly retire. She also says the school fired Lenti's entire staff, including the alleged victim of the punching attack.

A MAJOR bombshell here in Chicago today. Horrifying allegations of physical and mental abuse by Eugene Lenti against who knows how many former DePaul softball players and staff members. If true this is absolutely disgusting. 

For those who don't know the Lenti family is an institution in Chicago. One of the leading sports families in the city. Frank Lenti, Eugene's brother is a legendary high school football coach. Eugene had 1000+ wins over a 37 year career at DePaul and his sister, Jean, has been the athletic director at DePaul since 2002. They'll have their day in court, but when you read a report like that it's hard to imagine she survives. #FireJLP is already trending on twitter. I didn't even really know that "Depaul twitter" was a thing, but they are out in full throat now. 

It'll be interesting to see how quickly the Depaul administration moves on this and what other details come out. Horrifying stuff and I hope the victims get proper justice and their day in court. 

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