What Was The Best Star Wars Trailer?

There's nothing better than the excitement and anticipation of a new Star Wars movie. The theories, the leaks, the podcasts, the countdowns, the sheer joy of feeling like a kid who can't wait for Christmas morning again is unmatched - no matter how you feel about the movies. 

But the trailers...ohhh the trailers. And the teasers. Those are in their own special category. 

They're the ultimate hype videos. I miss them, and it makes me really bummed thinking about how we don't exactly know when (maybe 2022?) or what the next one will be about. 

So that's why sometimes I scroll back through YouTube and fire up some of the trailers even after seeing the movies because they're still that good, and some of you would probably agree that the trailers in some ways are even better than the movies themselves. 

They offer hope. They haven't fucked up a storyline or let you down yet. It's all just possibilities of greatness wrapped up into two minutes that makes you want to get your action figures back out while wearing your Rebel pilot helmet. 

I've come around big on The Last Jedi. First time I saw it I walked out thinking 'what the fuck did I just watch?' but after listening to my guy Robbie Fox for long enough and watching it multiple times again, I enjoy The Last Jedi a lot. 

I didn't care for it's trailers, though. 

For me, Rise of Skywalker and Force Awakens take the cake when it comes to the previews we got in the Star Wars saga. 

How could you not be absolutely shook, thrilled, dumbfounded after watching the first teaser for Rise of Skywalker last year at Celebration? No matter how you felt about The Last Jedi or what was going to happen in The Rise of Skywalker, the opening shot of Rey being chased by Kylo then finishing with FUCKING PALPATINE'S LAUGH alone made this one be an all-timer. 

We know at the time that something epic had to happen to wrap up 9, but Palpatine back? Talk about your heading spinning. Holy shit. 

From Robbie: "Being in the arena at Celebration for the Palpatine laugh was UNREAL". 

Can't even imagine. 

That was an ultimate day for me. I was sitting outside Wrigley Field with my pops waiting for this teaser to drop before I went to day drink and watch the Cubs beat the Angels. Side note, but damn that was great. 

The Force Awakens in total for me is in a league of its own. It's one of my personal favorite Star Wars movies, and the trailers are probably the best of the entire saga. It's weird looking back now that we know everything to think about what was going through our heads when we were first watching these trailers in 2015, but I distinctly remember the Monday Night Football trailer for TFA. 

I was at a local pub in Indianapolis. It was a pretty routine Monday night. It wasn't overly crowded, but the regulars were there - enough to have a dull roar throughout the bar. 

As soon as Tirico threw to this trailer at the half, the entire bar went silent and watched along. That was an eye-opening moment of just how big of a deal Star Wars really is. 

So many unknowns. Who the hell is this chick? VADER'S HELMET? The Falcon flying through the remains of a crashed Star Destroyer? My god. Not to mention the Empire Strikes Back love theme playing during it and Han is back!

This one was so great and to think about having the next five years full of this trilogy was a dream come true for a Star Wars fan unless you're an OT OG and don't want to believe anything happened before 4 or after Endor. 

Rise of Skywalker had to be epic. It was it. It was the end. We knew it was the end, and people could not wait for the final trailer to give us one last chance to see what we were about to get into come December. The trailer didn't disappoint. 

The scores in these are just so damn good. It's hard not to get chills when you hear it mashed up with Kylo and Rey about to face off with waves crashing in on the remains of the Death Star.

Palpatine's throne and his voiceover really hit home with how this is coming full circle. I remember people complaining about how it didn't really reveal much more that we didn't already know, but to me that's the point. Why would you want reveals like that in a trailer? Give me some cool shots to get me excited, but don't tell me anything that's going to ruin it in theaters. 

The final trailer of the Skywalker saga doesn't get enough love. 

I think we'd all agree that nothing compares to The Force Awakens trailer that closes with Han and Chewie

From the opening shot with the speeder riding across the Jakku desert passing a crashed X-Wing and Star Destroyer, to Luke's voiceover from Jedi, to the final shot - it was a chef's kiss perfect. 

Honorable mention to Revenge of The Sith teaser throwing it back to Obi-Wan's monologue in A New Hope about the "dark times" setting the tone for what was about to happen in ROTS.

That and the fact they threw in Vader rising in his suit for the first time should definitely be up there. 

But at the end of the day, Force Awakens and Rise of Skywalker take the Galactic cake. 

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