Scientist Creates Synthetic Booze That Gets You Drunk Without Ever Getting A Hangover





(Source)Not long ago, Dr. David Nutt was Britain’s top government drugs adviser. He was unfortunately fired from his post in 2009 after he publicly stated that marijuana, Ecstasy, and LSD were all less dangerous drugs than alcohol. Still, that minor career setback hasn’t stopped Dr. Nutt from doing science. Now a neuropharmacology professor at Imperial College London, Nutt has done research and development on two separate drugs; one is a non-toxic drink that makes you feel tipsy without experiencing the negative side effects of alcohol (including hangovers, liver toxicity, aggression, and loss of control). The second is a pill that reduces the hangover that results from real alcohol if taken simultaneously with your turn up.




I appreciate what David Nutt is going for here. And some nights, if I had a big day planned the next day (like a kickball game or something), then I’d drink the synthetic booze to ensure that I wake up. But most nights? Give me the real stuff and everything that comes with it. The hangover is part of the experience for me. The hangover is an excuse to be lazy. It’s an excuse to be ugly. It’s an excuse to start drinking early. If I’m drinking synthetic shit then why am I fat, laying around in my own filth on a Saturday morning? Exactly, no reason other than I’m a disgusting human being. I’m not ready to admit that to myself so give me the elixir that keeps the excuse train rolling.

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