Just A Romantic Homeless Threesome Getting Their Fuck On At The Harvard Square T Stop (Safe For Work)

Reader Email


Came across this homeless threeway at the Harvard Square stop last night. I’ll send the other video in the next email. Enjoy.





When we got this email I opened it and prepared for the worst. Expected some grotesque footage of Dirty Mike and the Boyz doing some nasty stuff in their Soup Kitchen F shack. But, when that video started playing I fucking lost it. I mean who hasn’t been in that position before? Emotions start running high, you know you can get it in, but you’ve got nowhere to get some privacy. It’s freshman dorm all over again. So what do you do? Throw some blankets over yourself and get to work. No one can possibly know what’s going on if there’s a sleeping bag giving you cover. Sheets are an invisibility cloak when you’re fucking, everyone knows that. Doesn’t matter if you’re in your parents basement, your dorm, or the Harvard Square T stop, as long as you’ve got sheets over you then you might as well be on the most remote and romantic deserted island in the world.



PS – I’m pretty sure that’s a dude under the green blanket just tugging his dirty pecker, right? Disgusting, but also hilarious, but definitely disgusting. But more hilarious.

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