This Will Be The One And Only Time I Blog About the Morons Who Think This is A Blue/Black Dress



I hate myself for still blogging this controversy this morning, but I had to do it. It just never ceases to amaze me how stupid Middle America is. And make no mistake about it. If you think this dress is Blue Black than you are a middle America bible thumping hick. The dress is white gold. That’s a statement of fact no different than it will get dark tonight. There is no room for debate. No other side. How can I be so sure? Listen kids this is what I do. I interent all day long. I stand on the wall and I guard the bowels of the internet. I wait for Llamas, dresses, cakefarts, the fappening, Deflategate, brady’s kid’s dick and whatever else the internet may turn up so I can be the judge and jury on it. I’ve been doing it for over a decade now. It’s my job. I’m a professional. I decide who gets into Internet heaven. ME. So when I say the dress is white gold trust me it’s white gold.


But that’s not even the point of this blog. What is up with the blue black crowd who are posting pictures of blue black dresses (like above) and being like “I TOLD YOU SO!” What the fuck is that all about? Yeah the dress on the right is blue black. The dress on the left is Michele Phifer white gold. They are 2 different pictures. 2 different dresses. You are proving my point. I just don’t get how so many people can be this stupid. Hey newsflash if you take a white dress and put it behind a cup of cranberry juice it will look red. It’s all shadows and shading but it’s a white gold dress and Jesus can’t bail you out of this one.

People Who Think the Dress is White Gold
Big Cat
People Who Think the Dress Is Black/Blue

Mike Stud

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