What Is Your Guilty Pleasure Movie?
Defining guilty pleasure movies is a bit tough. Generally speaking, a guilty pleasure movie (or piece of entertainment) is something, "that one enjoys despite feeling that it is not generally held in high regard." Maybe it is a rom-com you're embarrassed to like, or don't want to admit you're a comic book nerd. Not sure, but for me, I defined "guilty pleasure" as a movie that I know is not rated well by audiences or critics and is one that I either straight up enjoy or like out of pure hatred and terribleness.
Before we go into my list, make sure to listen to this week's Lights Camera Barstool, where we gave our list with special guest Greg Grunberg ('Lost', 'Alias', 'Star Wars' franchise):

My list had a good mix of both, here were my Top 5...

5. 'Mars Attacks!' - I was actually shocked to learn that both audiences and critics didn't love 'Mars Attacks!'. I thought it was weird as shit but also well received. The movie certainly has Tim Burton's stamp on it and is super campy, schlocky sci-fi, but it had a ton of charm and was a lot of fun. Also, 'Mars Attacks!' has one of the most ridiculous ensemble casts you'll ever see: Jack Nicholson, Sarah Jessica Parker, Pierce Brosnan, Annette Bening, Michael J. Fox, Glenn Close, Natalie Portman, Lisa Marie, Martin Short, Danny DeVito, Tom Jones, Jim Brown, Lukas Haas, Jack Black, Pam Grier, Christina Applegate, and Ray J.
4. 'Saving Silverman' - I get why people may not love 'Saving Silverman', but this movie always meant something to me in my late-elementary school and early-middle school days. Wondering why? Well, it was one of the first rated R-rated movies I ever saw in theaters. Wondering why I would say that even though the movie is rated PG-13? Well, I only recently realized that it wasn't R-rated and that I have been telling people an incorrect fact about this movie for years now. Oh well, I'll ride with it. Anyway, the Neil Diamond cameo alone makes this movie awesome.
3. 'Batman & Robin' - My word, what a classic! We did a commentary on this movie with Coley, Tyler, and PFT and you can listen to almost two hours of laughing at one of the worst movies ever made…
This movie was a huge part of my childhood and is, undoubtedly, a gigantic pile of shit. But there is still something amazing about all of the Mr. Freeze puns, the Bat Credit Card and, of course, the Bat nipples. If this movie is on, I simply cannot look away!
2. 'Planet of the Apes' (2001) - The first DVD I ever owned was the Tim Burton remake of the timeless classic. 'Planet of the Apes' has a hilarious mix of ape politics (worse politics than the 'Star Wars' prequels) and horrifying costumes. Paul Giamatti's character (great actor) should be wiped from the history books. Admittedly, I haven't seen this movie in a while, so I may find no value in giving it a hate-watch. Yeah, it is a skidmark on the amazing original franchise, but damn, if those DVD bonus features didn't totally reel me in…
1. 'Lost in Space' (1998) - Man oh man, I really thought this movie was fucking unbelievable when I was 7 years old. I had just seen the original 'Star Wars' franchise in theaters for their re-release, so I was obsessed with space movies. Then you had Joey from 'FRIENDS' shooting an automatic rifle in space…
…it was just awesome action…
…or so I thought. This movie is a giant turd, which is a shame to have realized so many years later. But I will watch it probably once or twice a year solely based on nostalgia. Solid cast, too! William Hurt, Gary Oldman, Lacey Chabert, Heather Graham and, of course, Matt LeBlance.
What is your guilty pleasure movie? Let us know below…