April 14th Workout: Upper Body & Cardio

It's Tuesday, April 14th and I'm starting to feel like a completely new person. After I did yesterday's leg workout last Monday I was so sore I could barely get in and out of chairs for three days after. Today I woke up and don't feel sore at all. My body is coming into form with being used to all the physical activity and it's awesome. Not back to how I felt as a varsity athlete in high school (humble brag) but everyday I feel like I'm getting closer and closer and that's all I can strive for. I hit arms/upper body hard today and I love pairing the strength training while shedding pounds. I wanna come out of this built like a brick shit house. I've still been staying strong with my eating and that's made my insides feel so much better too. I've moved on from normal eggs to 1 egg white and 1 slice of Ezekiel toast with peanut butter as my post workout meal. Health is wealth baby. Here's todays workout:

Bicep Curls 12 reps x 3 sets

Shoulder Press 12 reps x 3 sets

Tricep Extensions 12 reps x 3 sets

Bent Over Rows 12 reps x 3 sets

Bent Over Lateral Raises 12 reps x 3 sets

Shoulder Rolls 12 reps x 3 sets

YTWs 45 seconds x 3 sets

Up & Down Planks 10 x 3 sets

30 minute power walk

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