Facebook Group "Photo Doggies For Anthony" To Help Cheer Up Teenager Going Through Chemotherapy Goes Viral


ARIZONA (WITI) — A small gesture to cheer up her friend’s son who’s battling cancer has gone viral on Facebook. A Facebook event, titled “Photo Doggies for Anthony” was started by Roberta Lucero-Koron with a simple message.

“Hi all, my friend Kristen Lyons has her son Anthony at Phoenix Children’s Hospital. Some days he gets doggy visits and some he does not. They make him smile. I thought if I create this event, you can post a picture of your dog to help make him smile. His mom shows them to him and he smiles.

This event has gone viral and Anthony and his mom Kristen are smiling happily. Me too.”

Within days, thousands of people from around the world began posting pictures of their furry best friends with well wishes for 16-year-old Anthony. According to his mother, Anthony is currently undergoing chemotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Anthony’s mother posted this message on the “Photo Doggies for Anthony” Facebook page:

“I want to thank each and every one of you for sending your doggie and occasional kitty pictures. We have laughed, ‘ohhhed’ and ‘ahhed’ at every single photo and video. So far it has really been a Joy and I appreciate everyone sharing their pets with us and the personal messages to Anthony are truly awesome. He is undergoing chemotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. He’s in-patient right now but we will hopefully be out in a few days. I am amazed at how quickly this event has blown up and it makes me so happy to know how many people enjoy their pets as much as Anthony and I do. Your pets have brightened our days so much and it just shows you the power of pet thearapy and animal healing. This just shows what great people animal lovers are and we are really feeling the love from you and your pets in this difficult time. Thank you all so much from the bottom of our hearts. Love Kristen and Anthony.”

As of New Year’s Eve, more than 2,000 photos had been collected! The organizer of the “Photo Doggies for Anthony” wrote this message on the page: “Kristen, Anthony and I cannot believe how viral this event took off. We’ve seen some awesome doggy photos from Dubai to Australia. And they are still coming in. As of right now, over 2K photos and more than 7K people have been invited. Anthony, the world is praying for you.” On Friday, January 2nd, Anthony went back to the hospital for more chemotherapy. He was set to be there for a week.





Little positive story to try and cheer everyone up on a cold miserable January day. Anthony fighting cancer, looking to see a couple of dogs to keep his spirits high and then bam, viral sensation with thousands of pictures sent. Nice to see the internet d0ing good things. If you want to send in your dog here is the link.  CLICK HERE TO SEND YOUR DOG



Just dogs helping save lives anyway they can.

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