Terry Bradshaw Says If You Like Losing Super Bowls, Peyton Manning Is Your Guy

Via PFTCommenter’s post today, one of the best follows on the internet



I’m going to do something that I don’t think has ever done in Barstool Sports history. You ready? I’m going to defend Peyton Manning.



Now I’m not a Peyton Manning fan, not by a long stretch. I hate him and the Super Bowl Winning Colts and the Broncos and all his ads and his entire family. But what Terry Bradshaw is saying right here is so fucking dumb. Dropping his 4 Super Bowl rings on the table, showing off his “big dick” and telling everyone Peyton Manning chokes. Yeah, maybe he does a little, but he also is a SIGNIFICANTLY better quarterback than you ever were Terry. You won 4 Super Bowls not because of your QB play, you won them because you had one of the greatest Defenses of all time to back you up. And yeah the NFL was different back then (you can make the argument both ways, harder to pass but easier to keep a team and dynasty together) but just look at your Super Bowl numbers. You know how many passes you completed in your first two wins? 18, combined. 9 a game. For a whopping total of 305 yards, combined.



Now your third Super Bowl you had a hell of a game. 4 td’s, 1 pick, and 318 yards in Super Bowl 12 against the Cowboys. Your Fourth ring? 2 TD’s and a 3 INT’s. So my point is this, remember who you were and who you played with before you start throwing shots across people’s bows. I don’t like Peyton Manning but I’m also a reasonable sports fan and can fully admit he is one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time. You put the Steel Curtain on the field with him and I’m pretty sure he would never lose a Super Bowl. Now excuse me while I go take a bleach bath for writing this blog.


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