Your Day Might Be a Little Shitty But At Least It Didn't Start With A Plane Dumping Actual Shit All Over Your House

UPI — A New Zealand woman said she awoke recently to discover her home and car had been covered in what she believes to be human feces from an airplane. Karen Bass of Auckland said she awoke Sunday to discover there were splotches of brown matter all over her house and her silver car, which she believes to be human waste dropped from an airplane. Bass said her home is directly in the flight path for planes coming into Auckland International Airport.

Really puts things into perspective, huh? Sure, your boss may be riding your ass lately or maybe even you’re going through a little trouble in your love life. But did you wake up this morning to your house and car being covered in human feces? No? Didn’t think so. So quit your whining and get back in the game. Things could be so much worse for you right now and that’s a fact. Everything covered in shit is only the beginning of this broad’s problems right now. Immediately upon coming into contact with the shit, she had to have vomited everywhere. So now we’re dealing with vomit and shit. And then she’s gonna have to go around and clean the shit. That means she’s getting shit all over herself, and probably more vomit is on the way. That’s like 1 bird hitting you with 2 stones. And if this chick is anything like me, she probably left her car windows a little cracked overnight. You know what that means don’t you? There’s shit inside the car. So now she can’t even just take it through the car wash real quick. That thing is totaled. I can’t tell you how many times I leave my car window cracked overnight and then it ends up raining. It drives me up the wall and I don’t think I’ll ever learn my lesson. It’s infuriating. But at least when rain doesn’t come from some stranger’s asshole. So #ThoughtsAndPrayers go out to Karen Bass of Auckland right now. She’s dealing with a whole world of shit right now.

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