Miami Beach Cop Who Was Fired for Testing Positive for Cocaine Says He's Never Done Coke, It Was Just His Boner Cream

[source] Miami Beach Police Detective Reinaldo Casas excuse for failing a cocaine test is even better. He claims it entered his body because he was using some questionable boner cream. Casas, a respected homicide detective was fired in February 2013 after coke showed up in his system. Casas maintained that he had never even done coke. He soon realized that cocaine might have gotten in some weird sex jelly he got from a friend who in turn got it from “an old Cuban guy.” The friend said he got the cream, stored in an unmarked container, as a gift from the guy in exchange for political signs.

Ah yes, the ol’ “I don’t even know what coke is, it must just be the Cuban cock cream.” A move as old as time. But if we’re being totally honest here, I’m not so sure if this was the greatest play for Detective Casas. I feel like bumping duty lines as a part of the Miami Beach PD is just part of the job. I feel like coke is a part of most jobs in Miami. I don’t know, I’ve never been there but that’s just what I assumed over the years. So yeah, you catch a shitty break and end up getting fired for having some cocaine show up in your system. Tough luck. But the world of Miami is full of other opportunities from there. Once you introduce the fact that you’re using dick cream that your friend got you from some “old Cuban guy”, however, I think you start to limit those opportunities. There’s a lot less baggage that comes along with being a coked out ex-cop than there is with being someone who willingly applies unmarked cream to his cock. That’s the kind of stuff you keep to yourself. But I’m sure drowning the meat stick in coke was a real rush, so I guess it was all worth it.

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