DraftStreet NBA Is Back For The Playoffs - $20,000 For First


Yes, it is here. The NBA playoffs. Where we separate the puppies from the big dogs. You might be wondering why I haven’t cashed in a single DraftStreet tournament yet. And it’s easy. I’ve been waiting for the postseason. I’m not some regular season chump. I shine when the lights are the brightest and the pressure is on. So now’s my time.



Big money on the line. Easy as hell to play.

-2-day contest for the games on 4/19 and 4/20
-$100,000 prize pool
-$55 entry fee, 2000 entries
-1st place prize: $20,000
-Top 300 places paid
-SalaryCap style draft


I’ll be taking the 20k, but maybe you can come in second? SIGN UP AND FIND OUT.

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