Renee Zellweger Says Her Face Looks Like A Completely Different Person Because She's "Happy"

Daily Mail – She shocked fans on Monday with her startlingly different face at the Elle Women in Hollywood Awards at the Four Seasons Hotel in California on Monday. But Renée Zellweger thinks all the web chatter about her so-called plastic surgery is ‘silly,’  ‘It seems the folks who come digging around for some nefarious truth, which doesn’t exist won’t get off my porch until I answer the door,’ the 45-year-old Oscar winner told People on Tuesday.  ‘I’m glad folks think I look different! I’m living a different, happy, more fulfilling life, and I’m thrilled that perhaps it shows.’ The Case 39 actress – who’s been romancing Doyle Bramhall II since 2012 – said she’s spent the past few years ‘making a home,’ ‘loving someone,’ and ‘growing into myself.’ ‘My friends say that I look peaceful. I am healthy,’ Zellweger insisted. 

How about Renee Zell-wedger giving us the old “I didnt get facial reconstruction surgery, I’m just happy!” Bitch you look like an entirely different human! No amount of yoga or carrot sticks or quote un-quote happiness is gonna make you look like you were genetically altered. I’m the Player Hater of The Year and if I all the sudden decided to just be happy go lucky I’m not gonna wake up looking like Brad Pitt. Like I just finally wrapped up the most expensive, stressful wedding in the history of matrimony and spent 10 days jetsetting around the Mediterranean and when I wake up I’m still looking like the same old guy. Still just Tom Brady’s retarded brother over here. My one eye ain’t waking up no matter how happy I am.

Its honestly insulting that a celebrity would try to pull this shit. Like its one thing when the Jewish girl in high school gets a nose job during the summer and comes back looking totally different and everyone just ignores the elephant in the room. Maybe, maybe, she says it was because of a sinus issue but for the most part those chicks just completely avoid explaining why their face is different altogether. But thats because she’s just a nobody in your high school. When you’re a celebrity and everyone knows what your fucking face already looks like, you can’t pull this shit. Just fucking admit to it. I don’t give a shit. Who cares? People spend thousands of dollars on clothes and make up and all sorts of other stuff in an effort to make themselves look better or prettier or sexier. Why not just spend the money directly on the cause of your ugliness and get surgery? Its 2014. We can fix stuff. Pay the money, fix the problem, and be happy. Just dont piss on my face and tell me it hasnt been surgically reconstructed.

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