Dominatrix And Her Friend On Trial For Holding Her Client Hostage And Scrubbing His Face With A Toilet Brush While Forcing Him To Wear Women's Underwear

Metro - A dominatrix and two male friends are in court after scrubbing a man’s face with a toilet brush and forcing him to wear women’s underwear. The victim said he feared they would cut his penis off after having a knife held to his throat while his personal belongings were taken. The man had previously paid prostitute and part time dominatrix, Sinead Nijjer, £50 for oral sex where he had pretended to be a semi-professional footballer and having a mortgage. The unnamed victim, whose identity cannot be revealed for legal reasons, told Aylesbury Crown Court: ‘I wanted to impress her, I thought if I told her my real job she might think I was a loser.’ To escape the room, the trapped man pretended to experience breathing problems causing one of his assailants to call 999. The group began to panic after the victim started faking breathing issues with one of the men apparently telling him: ‘I’m a Muslim too, after all this is finished we are going to go to the mosque together and forget all of this happened. ‘Just don’t die on me.’ The group of assailants included Nijjer, 20 from Aylesbury, 22-year-old Leam Ryan and Rico Awad, 21, from High Wycombe. The defendants have all claimed they neither harmed the victim nor held him hostage. The trial continues and is expected to reach its conclusion by the need of next week.

So much confusing shit in this story I don’t know what to make of it. It starts with with this dude lying to his hooker because she thought if she knew his real job she would think he’s a loser. Hey bro thats the whole point of buying a whore. You don’t need to actually be cool. Thats what you’re paying her for. You can be fat and unemployed with a small dick and a problem with premature ejaculation and as soon as you pay her she’s gonna treat you like your Brad Pitt. You don’t need to lie and pretend you’re a pro athlete.

Ok so then you fast forward to the robbery. This dominatrix and her henchmen assume he’s a rich footballer so they want to rob him. That makes sense. So does the rubbing his face with a toilet brush and making him wear ladies underwear. This is a nasty dominatrix thief we’re talking about here. All the great ones leave their mark. The Wet Bandits leave the faucets running, Sinead the Muslim Dominatrix robs you and puts you in a pair of booty shorts and makes you eat a toilet brush. I follow that.

But then this guy starts faking breathing problems and they call 911 on themselves? What the fuck kind of robbery is this? I mean obviously you don’t wanna catch a murder case but cmon now. If you’re gonna commit to a robbery and scrub a dudes face with a toilet brush you probably should be committed enough to not call the cops on yourself the minute this guy starts huffing and puffing a little funny. I mean what was the end game in the first place? What was the escape plan? Worst robbery ever.

I’m saying there’s a 50% chance this guy paid for some kinky toilet play orgy, got caught by his wife or something, and needed to make up some elaborate story about being held hostage. Just too fishy of a story.

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