Twitter Wars: The Time KFC Almost Got Murdered By An Ex Con


Well today has been interesting. Apparently things have gone south with our old friend Incarcerated Bob. For those of you outside of NY or those who don’t remember Bob, I’ve blogged about him in the past. He started out as a WFAN caller and now he’s in the business of breaking sports rumors and gambling picks on twitter. And apparently now he hates my guts. Before we get into how it all went down I just wanna say that I actually liked Bob. We’ve had him on KFC Radio before and he actually has broken some sports rumors before the mainstream outlets. I used to retweet him and shit. But there are 3 irrefutable facts when you talk about him 1) He has a zillion fake followers and 2) For every one bit of breaking news he gets right, there are like 10 that he gets wrong and 3) apparently if you argue with him on twitter, he will want to kill you in real life. If you’re interested in the whole exchange, it started out when he was tweeting about a local radio host sleeping around and a Stoolie asked me to chime in on it:






So thats that. The story of the time the New York Islanders saved my life. I envisioned Bob crossing my name off his list and smearing lipstick on like Steve Buscemi in Billy Madison. Still not so sure that I’m off the hook really. At the very least I’m gonna be a victim of the Knockout Game from Bob or one of his minions. But as of this moment I live another day. Just sitting here in my apartment listening to Gin Blossoms with a golden doodle dog avoiding Black Twitter for the rest of the week. Safely within the confines of White Twitter talking about Starbucks and shit.

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