Anthony Weiner Flipped Out On Some Kid Who Pissed On The Swings At The Park
Daily Mail – Anthony Weiner was spotted in Union Square Park with he and Huma Abedin’s son, Jordon Zain in New York City on Thursday. According to a witness, another child in the playground peed on a swing. The child’s father grabbed a napkin to clean up his son’s little mess just as Weiner walked over to that same swing. The witness claimed that Weiner yelled, ‘Thanks for leaving this thing soaking wet’ He also claimed that the dad was going to clean up the mess and that he allegedly told Weiner, ‘It’s funny you’re the one talking about other people’s self control’ Anthony Weiner recently lost in the mayoral primaries and attributed his loss to the texting scandal with Sydney Leathers. When he went on the Geraldo Rivera show on Friday he said, ‘Of course, I’m not an idiot, I know it succeeded in derailing my campaign.
Hey look say what you want about Tony Weiner. Top 5 dumbest politicians ever. He’s a Jew Ostrich Jostrich. He no doubt jerks off on the toilet after he takes a dump while wearing wool socks. He’s just the weirdest, creepiest, Jewiest loser of all time.
But if your kid pisses all over the swings, that ain’t Anthony Weiner’s fault. Your kid is gonna grow up to be the weirdo at school that nobody likes. Leaving puddles of piss on the swings and turds in the tube slide. The smelly kid in class. The kid who picks his nose and eats it. And you’re the parent letting it happen. Hope that little Boom Roasted joke about self control makes you feel better, because the truth of the matter is nobody likes you or your piss pants kid.