Chinese Mom Arrested For Breast Feeding Her Son While Driving Her Moped

Huff Po – Busy moms have to multitask, but a woman in Yuzhou, China, recently got stopped by police for breastfeeding her 18-month-old son while riding on a moped. The young mom was allegedly weaving her scooter through traffic while holding her 18-month-old son in her arms, when the kid started crying, the Hollywood Gossip reported. Witnesses said the mom started to breastfeed the child while keeping a hand on the handlebars, Orange News reported. Officers pulled over the woman before she caused an accident. “She was risking her life, her son’s life and the lives of all the other road users,” a police spokesman said according to the website. “We told her that if she carried on we would confiscate her bike,” they added. 

You know my feelings on breast feeders. Namely the mothers who are on some crusade to whip their tits out at all time, no matter how inappropriate, because it’s their “right.” Makes me almost hate milk altogether. Like I might just feed my kid nothing but water out of spite for breast milk.

But this move. This move right here – I respect the shit out of it. I think strictly because its China. Its like everything flip flops when we’re talking about the other side of the world. Much like how toilets flush the opposite direction in Australia. Ordinarily if I saw some rich white suburban mom breast feeding on a moped I’d hate her guts. Because she’d be doing it just for display. Just to show the rest of the world that she’s feeding her baby through her tits. This bitch in China though – there’s no doubt in my mind this was absolutely necessary. There was probably no more dog or cat at home to feed her son. God knows you can’t pull your tits out on mass transportation in Asia without a rape party breaking out. No other choice to breast feed on the go on her Vespa. She has her kid suck on her tits while mobile out of necessity. No problems with that. Carry on, China.

You wacky motherfuckers.

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