Bynes Goes To A Trampoline Park In Upstate NY Like A Total Fucking Lunatic



Daily Mail - After a host of hijinks, bizarre behaviour and arrests Amanda Bynes decided to engage in something wholesome for once – trampolining. The embattled star was seen having a great time at a trampoline park in Buffalo New York on Wednesday night. Amanda was photographed jumping, smiling and running around the indoor complex but on Thursday took to Twitter to adamantly deny it was her – despite numerous witnesses and the exercise centre confirming it was.  It is not known why the star was in Upstate New York, but no doubt it was to get some time away from her legal dramas back in the city. While coming by herself for a late night jump around, the 27-year-old was on her best behaviour according to others at Sky Zone. Rhonda See, Sky Zone Buffalo owner told Us Weekly: ‘Amanda had a great time here.’ ‘She came to check out a workout class and then stayed to jump on the trampolines.’ Despite the She’s The Man actress claiming she was nowhere near the facility, the owner confirmed she sighed a waiver – and while she did not use her first name – signed in as Laura Bynes. In light of the actress’ recent troubles – there are fears the Disney star is suffered from a mental breakdown and abusing drugs – Rhonda said the visit would have been a positive for the star. ‘For us, this is a positive, healthy place. For someone who is going through a rough time like her, it was nice to see her having a great time. She came to burn some calories and have some fun.’

Listen we all know this bitch is certifiably insane. The drugs the wigs the twitter comments the bongs the lies etc etc. All the workings of a woman who is mentally unstable to a spectacular degree. But this right here – going to a fucking trampoline park all by yourself – is quite possibly the craziest shit this bird has done so far. Its like going to the movies by yourself except a lot fucking weirder because you’re just bouncing around the park like an asshole. I mean don’t get me wrong – trampolines are on the list of things that never get old no matter how old you are. You’ll always get that little rush of enjoyment. But driving to upstate New York all alone to jump around is as wacky as it gets man. Just one step closer to rubber walls and shit.

More importantly though, Bynes’ tits just will not quit huh? The human they are attached too may be plummeting to depths of despair but those titties are still at full attention. I guess thats the beauty of fake bombs. They can withstand all sorts of mental and physical meltdowns. Hey Amanda whats say me, you, and your tits hit up the trampoline park together and play a little aeroball. Winner sits on the other person’s face. Deal? I’ll also accept a 1 v 1 challenge in Slamball.

PS – Perez Hilton, you just got Bynes’d bro:

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