Video: Extremely Moving Tribute To Healthcare Workers Worldwide (Slight Nudity)

The hottest tea right now? Being grateful for our healthcare workers. Nailed it. 

You've probably seen @uespiiiii doing similar tricks online before since he often goes viral, but here's a quick refresher from The Independent:

Kazuhisa Uekusa is a unique breed of daredevil performer.

The 31-year-old comedian from Japan has been seen by millions on social media and television with his novel act, which sees him come up with creative new takes on the tablecloth trick.

Along with social media fame, Mr Uekusa has appeared on various TV shows, reaching the semi-finals of Britain’s Got Talent last year before performing again on Spain and France’s Got Talent programmes.

Even if you're not a healthcare worker, this video of him in the Britain's Got Talent finals should lift your spirits a bit... (warning - heavy nipple action): 

PS. If you're looking to give your own thanks to someone you can get Uekusa to do one for you on Cameo.

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