April 9th Workout: Cardio, Cardio and More Cardio

April 9th Weigh-in: 327 lbs

Todays workout was a doozy and probably the best sweat I've worked up since I've started. My legs have finally (mostly) recovered from the soreness of Mondays brutal leg work out. Every morning when I wake up I feel a little better and a little more in the groove. I can feel my body loosening up day by day and each day my motivation when I wake up has stayed where it's needed to be. I can only speak for myself but the working out has helped with my eating discipline tremendously. Why would I want to ruin a good workout with eating shitty foods? I've also started fasting where I eat during 8 hours of the day and nothing but water for the other 16. This is my second day officially fasting and after five days my body will get to a place of maximum fat burning, meaning my workouts will go even that much further for my overall health and weight loss. I eat 1 piece of fruit, 1 egg and 1 piece of toast with peanut butter with a glass of milk after my workout at 12, a healthy dinner of lean meat like grilled chicken with brown rice and green beans and that's all for the day. The key is to keep that motivation long term. The road to sub 300 continues. Here was today's workout:

20 Jumping Jacks x 5 sets

20 Knee-to-Elbows x 5 sets

20 Butt Kicks x 5 sets

10 Mountain Climbers (each leg) x 5 sets

10 Plank Jacks x 5 sets

10 Burpees x 5 sets

10 Sumo Squat Jumps x 5 sets

30 second Planks x 5 sets

2.5 Mile Walk/Run

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